Giving Day
APRIL 21 12:00PM
Airpods Pros, LinkedIn Premium Subscriptions and Go Pros galore!
Days Until Giving Opens
What is UChicago Giving Day?
Giving Day is 24 hours of collaborative fundraising to support the University of Chicago’s students, faculty, and world-changing research. This year, Senior Class Gift is participating in encouraging seniors to give like we never have before. (Read: huge prizes, random giveaways and tons of worthy causes.) Most of all, Giving Day is an opportunity to join together as a seniors to support the areas of UChicago that can make student life better for classes to come. Begins April 21 at 12pm CST.
Update: We did it! We had more than
senior donors during UChicago Giving Day!
Giving Day 2021 Super Senior gifts
1st GIFT
Be the first to donate on April 21st and get a custom pair of Airpods Pro! BEGINS APRIL 21 AT 12:00PM!
2nd – 21st GIFT


- Ring light
- Degree Frame

Once at least 50 seniors give, all donors are entered to win:
- UChicago Goldbelly package:
- 2 Pequod’s Deep Dish Pizzas
- 12 pack Stan’s donuts
- Girl & The Goat meal for 4
- Cutco Hardy Knife + engraving + sheath
- UChicago Alumni cutting board

Once at least 75 seniors give, all donors are entered to win:
- One year subscription for LinkedIn Premium
- Apple Airpods Pro
- UChicago Alumni sweater
- UChicago padfolio
Once at least 200 seniors give, all donors are entered to win their choice of the above Super Senior Gifts!
Once at least 500 seniors give, all donors are entered to win ALL THREE Super Senior Gifts shown above!
Didn’t win a basket? No worries. Every donor who gives at least $20.21 automatically gets this UChicago herb starter kit AND the SCG Class of 2021 gift designed by Ella P, Class of 2021!
Plus every donor who gives ANY AMOUNT automatically gets invited to the SCG Spring Celebration with Second City Improve!
Answering your questions about SCG and UChicago Giving Day
- How much do I have to give?
- Where can I give?
- Can I split my gift among organizations?
- What is SCG?
- Do I receive the Giving Day gifts AND the senior class gift?
You’re not obligated to support any one cause. Find the one that suits your passions best: UChicago Giving Day
Absolutely, and your gift is cumulative. For example, if you give $15 to Phoenix Farms and $6.21 to the Green Fund, your total gift is $20.21 and that earns you some of the unique perks below.
Perks of giving

The Theme of the Month Gift: Mint Condition
It’s Sustainability April and there are two ways you can get your custom UChicago planter. 1) Purchase an item from Phoenix Farms during their April sale and offer a gift of any size to support campus sustainability efforts. 2) Give $20.21 to anywhere in the university during April.
Spring Celebration with Second City
It’s one of the most popular traditions at UChicago and this year, any gift of any amount gets you in! Stay tuned for exciting details to come.

The Senior Class Gift
For giving a gift of $20.21 or more, you’ll receive a complementary gift after convocation PLUS the entrance to the end of the year SCG event AND the April Herb Planter.
The Chicago Society Gift
For seniors who give $100 or more, you’ll receive automatic entrance into Chicago Society PLUS the senior class gift shown above PLUS exclusive entrance into the SCG end of year event AND the April Herb Planter.

Support your favorite area of UChicago today
Questions or suggestions? Contact us
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Number of Participants in the Senior Class Gift